- He was charged with arson, but his lawyer helped him beat the rap. 他被控纵火,但他的律师为他开脱了罪责。
- I beat the rap. 不过,我福大命大。
- He was accused of theft but he beat the rap. 他被指控犯盗窃罪,但他逃脱了刑事责任。
- Bird: And then I beat the stuffing out of him! 并且把他打得吃的东东都吐出来了!
- So, you're betting that you can beat the rap. 那么,你是在断言你可以逃脱刑罚的罗!
- The accused insisted that he would certainly beat the rap. 被告坚持认为他定会被宣告无罪。
- I beat the traffic; She outfoxed her competitors. 我在这场交易中智胜;她智胜对手。
- The accused beat the rap by pleading temporary insanity. 被告以提出短暂的神智迷乱为借口逃避罪责。
- He was charged with arson,but his lawyer helped him beat the rap. 他被控纵火,但他的律师为他开脱了罪责。
- Well, I beat the rap." 我总算逃过了这一关。”
- The defence lawyers weren't confident but in the end we managed to beat the rap. 虽然辩护律师曾感到没有把握,但我们最后还是设法逃过了刑罚。
- James made the mistake and I don't see why I should take the rap for him. 詹姆斯犯了错误,而我不明白为什么要我替他受责备。
- I beat my brains out trying to think of a way of getting round the difficulty. 我绞尽脑汁,试图想出避开那一困难的办法。
- Now he'll have to sing small because I beat him. 我把他击败了,他现在只好乖乘的了。
- Let me catch you drink anything but beer I beat the hell out of you. 你们只准喝啤酒。别的什么也不许喝。看叫我逮住,不揍你们个屁滚尿流才怪。
- I took the rap because I made a big mistake. 我因为犯了大错而受到非难。
- I beat Joe good and proper in the game of marbles. 打弹子游戏中我彻底打败了乔。
- I beat him to the parking space. 我赶在他前头占了那停车位置。
- If you can "stop beating around the bush" long enough to learn these phrases, you might even learn how to "beat the rap" on some things! 如果你可以用心好好学习本章短语的话,说不定你还能学会如何逃脱惩罚哦!
- He beat the traitor to the draw and shot him dead. 他抢先拔出手枪,将叛徒击毙。